
Friends having a ball

Two small girls playing soccer, silhouetted against wet asphalt

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Grainy Choir

A mixed choir records an album with several microphones in a church under the main chandelier.

The photo is post-processed to look like grainy old film

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A mixed choir records an album with several microphones in a church under the main chandelier.

The photo is post-processed to look like old film

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Running down a Dream

A young girl runs across the lawn with a pillow in her hand as the sun shines on her through the leaves.

(I was lying in the hammock playing with the wonderful FA50 when I saw Alma running towards the treehouse with her pillow, so I took a few snapshots from way too far away. This was the only shot that was even close to being in focus and salvageable with a lot of post-processing, giving it that dreamy look)

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Father and Son

A statue of a father kissing his son, silhouetted against a bright winter sun.

Statue in bronze by Olof Ahlberg, 1921. Badhusparken, Ă–stersund.

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Little Big Bike

A small child leans against a large black Kawasaki motorcycle

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Old Bikers Never Die

An old lady is pushing her bike up from the lake

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